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Near & Far...

《既遠又近 ......》 Near & Far... 台北 (2022)



——游本寬 2022 年夏末










實體的軍事戰看似遙遠,經濟的困境已是當下。全球新聞持續報導,歐美專家紛紛揣測,北歐烏克蘭的區域戰爭「 = 」遠東地區的台灣。電視機前,老伯伯笑著說:從今而後,老外不會再搞不清楚台灣的英文(Taiwan) 和泰國的(Thailand ) 了!一旁,念高中的小孩問:我們要不要居安思危?老伯伯的血壓頓時升高,雙手抱胸的說:生命、生活中任何形式的戰爭,政治、經濟、軍事、資訊、愛情、宗教信仰、減肥、節食……要自衛、想投降、跪求和,還得自問有沒有本事?小孩再問:未雨綢繆需要教育或實習嗎?









有水塔的台灣照像《既遠又近……》,以「 風」的圖像,隱喻島上長年飽受大自然的颱風,以及近代多方外來客侵台的歷史;分岔路口的家園照像,表徵台灣處於地緣政治「風暴中心」的現況;透過鏡頭在大自然、生活裡,製造出帶有警示意味「 X 」形狀的「藝術性社會符號」, 藉此提出:身處詭譎多變的時代,是應該經常有站在岔路口的警覺性、是應該多想想,過度安逸的日常,恐怕難以應對人有旦夕禍福的生活酷實。

《既遠又近……》 處處可見水塔的台灣景象表述:
















有好人的台灣風景「 = 」人所製造出的好風景。聚落裡的水塔,平視、俯瞰眼前民主自由、多樣自信的生活美與哲學,大不同於極權制度:由上而下、群眾口號和行動的一致,莫名仇恨、宣洩心盲般的排外民族主義。


On a scorching summer night, an American lady arrived in Taiwan.

Her visit irritated many. Hostility between two opponents

was no longer an assumption, and was no longer negotiable.

Around nightfall the next day, she took off with the same aircraft;

her stopover in Taiwan was less than 20 hours.

Following her visit were 72-hour live-fire drills,

demonstrating possible military confrontation in the air and in the sea and a besieged energy system with food supplies cut off. White papers outlining more threats are steadily being published while this unfolds.

Are you in awe now?

While the world is suffering from a never ending pandemic and raging inflation, terms ludicrously inciting people arise one after another: drones, asymmetric warfare, intercontinental ballistic missiles, among others. “Justice” has become a word used only in diplomatic language, and an “Ally” suggests nothing but a temporary interest between nations.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the beginning of 2022 made many small countries face the fact that national defense is a pressing affair, and economic difficulties are everywhere. Advanced weapons could be handed to the military before a war explodes, but misinformation running rampant on the internet could endanger national security in ways that are hard to address. Although the situation is not so bad that people should start hoarding food now, no one has any idea how to distribute essential materials once a military conflict happens.

While military conflicts may feel remote to us, and economic difficulties are close at hand, news outlets continue to compare Ukraine in eastern Europe with Taiwan in East Asia by quoting experts from the western world. An old man watching TV news laughed, “From now on, people won’t confuse Taiwan with Thailand.” A high school student asked, “Should we prepare for the worst?” His question agitated the old man, whose blood pressure surged. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and exclaimed, “Lives, war in any form, politics, economy, military, information, love, religion, losing weight, diet... self-defense, surrender, beseeching for peace, all these require certain conditions. Are we qualified?” The youth then pursued, “Do we need to learn or practice planning ahead during crises?”

Islanders might have been aware of the threat across the strait even before the war between Ukraine and Russia began, but questions like this are still raised, “Can we manipulate nationalism, like a dictatorship does, in order to save ourselves from sabotage?” Politicians stammer, “National security is not the occupation of certain groups of people, (theoretically) it is everyone’s responsibility...”

An artist as well as a teacher pointed out, “Even though it is not about war, my art means to express to the audience that I want to save the surroundings we love and cherish so much for ourselves or pass them onto others in the future. Our love and cherishment of these things are the essence of collective concern about culture, art and attitudes.

A concerned photographer held up his camera and declared, “With my understanding of democracy and my art, I strengthened my mindset to defend against invasions by taking photos of water towers that symbolize guns and ammunition in homes.”

Near and Far...

A single water storage tank symbolizes preparing for the unknown, storage.

Clusters of water storage tanks imply collective actions for an unpredictable future.

Images of Water Tanks

Water storage tanks are seen everywhere in Taiwan, in big cities or in small towns. They are a part of people‘s everyday lives, and to me, their significance could be compared to the iconic landscape of Jade Mountain. Near and Far... a photography portfolio of water storage tanks in Taiwan, uses an image of wind as a metaphor for this island being threatened by invasions of typhoons as well as foreign powers. Homes located at road intersections are my interpretation of homes/Taiwan being in the eye of a storm. Scenes of crossed lines and trees form an X symbolizing danger. By transforming social signs into my art, I’m warning people to stay alert at all times like at a busy intersection.

Being too laid back might result in our inability to handle sudden disasters among a cruel reality.

Near and Far...

Storing water in tanks is an individual choice to plan ahead.

Taking care of vegetation in the neighborhood is a collective consensus of love and cherishment of the environment.

Images of Homes

Taking photos, I suppress a desire to capture spectacular scenery. Walking through the streets and lanes in daily life, I feel very free.

Seeing households of varying wealth or shops negotiating a growing or declining business, and visiting religious buildings of different beliefs, I feel excited. Finding all kinds of structures attached to buildings, I am overwhelmed.

In Taiwan, beside wide roads or narrow alleys, near the exterior walls of households, at triangular lots in forked roads, or over the blurred borders between public and private domains, one sees bonsai or small landscape arrangements. It is a popular style of container gardening where plants are not grown in the earth but rather in pots. A variety of flowers I don’t recognize are positioned near tall and short untrimmed trees. There’s no evidence of weeping tree branches, cracked pots, and fallen petals seen here. In a garden, plants in good or bad condition are situated according to their owner’s preference, rigorously stretching toward their neighbors’territories.

In the front yard of a house, a row of shrubs beside the concrete foundation modestly marks the owner’s territory. The boundary doesn’t prevent people from stepping over it in the daytime, not to mention at night.

A flower bed made by a styrofoam box and a light and moveable treehouse made of cheap plastic are used to block cars from parking in front of the property. What a clever idea to make blockades from materials that no one is interested in stealing.

Private things are shared, an attitude of generosity, and paying attention to how passersby feel, an expression of care. The intriguing scenes of Taiwan are not the metro or elevated expressways, but the fast-changing landscapes, including the evolution of buildings and skylines.

Nice Taiwanese people create nice Taiwanese landscapes. From water towers in communities to our forward-looking democracy and freedom, we confidently embrace diverse lifestyles, personal aesthetic preferences, and individualist philosophies. This is the opposite of societies under dictatorship in which a supreme power disseminates propaganda and orders, and spreads indiscriminate hatred, blind nationalism, and xenophobia.

Ben K Yu, the end of summer 2022



<大風起> / State College, PA, USA

台東縣太麻里和美村 -2017

宜蘭縣頭城鎮 -2021 台中市沙鹿區 -2021

苗栗縣三義鄉 -2019 雲林縣古坑鄉 -2006

屏東縣南州鄉壽元村 -2021 台南市歸仁區 -2006

雲林縣斗南鎮 -2021

台南市安平區 -2014 北斗鎮田中三民社區 -2008

台南市東區 -2021 苗栗縣卓蘭鎮 -2011

南投縣埔里 -2015 新北市瑞芳鎮四腳亭 -2016

台南市將軍區中興里 -2016

彰化縣員林市 -2021 嘉義縣太保市二林鎮 -2020

苗栗縣三義鄉 -2019 南投縣南投市永興區 -2020

台北市北投區 -2012 彰化縣彰化市 -2019

台東縣太麻里和美村 -2017

新竹縣湖口鄉 -2013 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 -2018

新北市平溪區嶺腳 -2006 苗栗縣三義鄉 -2009

台中龍井鄉新庄 -2008 高雄市仁武區 -2021

新北市萬里區 -2008

苗栗縣後龍鎮 -2017 台南縣關廟鄉新埔村 -2010

苗栗縣通霄鎮白沙屯 -2014 雲林縣西螺鎮 -2007

台南縣關廟鄉新埔村 -2010 新北市瑞芳鎮四腳亭 -2020

台東縣鹿野鄉 -2017

新北市三峽鎮 -2019 彰化縣芬園鄉竹林 -2020

屏東縣潮州 -2006 嘉義市西區鐵道藝術村 -2016

南投縣埔里鎮桃米村 -2019 宜蘭縣宜蘭市 -2009

新北市八里鄉 -2018

前叉路 State College, PA, USA



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