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2001《閱讀台灣,1212》 Reading into Taiwan, 1212



Reading into Taiwan, 1212

游本寬 2001 展於 新竹,交通大學藝文中心

Reading into Taiwan, 1212:

Between Real and Unreal Images Works II,III,IV

Artist: Ben Yu / 1997

Between Real & Unreal is a photographic index centered around the manifestation of fake objects which represents the larger phenomenon of cultural deconstruction. Using characteristics inherent to photography such as fine detail and image veracity the series encompasses artificial or “unreal” objects found throughout the “real” or actual environment. The intricate symbolic philosophical discourse that develops among the images reflects the artist’s personal feelings about contemporary Taiwanese globalization and cross- cultural existence.

The photographs are formally constructed like amateur snapshots yet retain an objective quality in their approach. The great quantity of photographs echoes the pervasiveness of the subject matter. Their large physical presence serves to make visible the visual, psychological, and cultural punctum therein.

The photographs in Work II consist mainly of fake animals that exist in Taiwan’s public spaces and more sociologically significant figures such as the Buddha. The complex arrangement of twenty-five various sized photographs seen on the museum wall forces the audience to mimic the action taken by the artist when selecting a point of view from which to photograph.

Virtual monuments are erected in Work III (fake policeman by the sea) and Work IV (beached squid) by compositionally isolating the image. In the exhibition space they are placed close, side by side, encouraging dialogue between the two.






游本寬 , 2001




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